Some kinds of endowment models for insurance are built up and the calculating formula of net single premium and net annual premium of these models are presented. 针对商业养老保险,建立了若干种养老保险模型,并利用精算数学的方法给出了这些模型的趸缴及年缴均衡净保费的计算公式。
With the whole life unsurance, serving as an example, using the method of probability and mathematical statistics, gives a detailed analysis of the accurate calculation of net single premium 、 net annual premium and net monthly premium in several different cases, and relevant calculational formula. 以终身寿险为例,运用概率论和数理统计方法对几种不同情况下趸交、年交和月交纯保费的精算方法进行详细剖析,并给出相应的计算公式。